Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Women... Grr... >(

Why, oh why do they do this to me?!

So heres the deal... I finally sit Janie down and tell her that we are going to find an evening where we can make something work. We agree that Tuesday will work... Ok, yes that is tonight... She's supposed to get off work at 7:30. So I scour the web looking for cool stuff that is going on tonight. I find out that "Cats" is playin in the next town over and I can get half off military tickets. And I am thinking to myself "Yeah I am missing my college group and stuff but that is totally ok because were going to have a great time." Well, she calls me at 4:00 pm to find out what we are doing and I try to play it as a suprise. Unfortuantely, her mother is extremely protective and Janie has to tell Mom exactly where she is going (Janie is 19 btw) so I finally break down and tell her...

AND SHE GETS UPSET! She gets mad at me for wanting to keep her out too late and here I am thinking that its great cause she'll be home before midnight... So now I have no ideas what to do tonight and apparently she wants to be home early...

I'm not so sure this is going to work out...



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