Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.

I hope everyone is pleasantly stuffed with turkey and other various foodstuffs. I thoroughly enjoyed my day with lunch with the family and then cooked up what is possibly the closest think I've ever come to a perfect bird... or at least part of one; I only did the breast.

In honor of all the shopping tomorrow here is my wishlist.

I will start with my list, but add these as well...

Not to start a trend or anything... but let me know if you have a similar list and I will be sure to check it out.


Jason said...

You might want to change your address on there if you want to get stuff where you are ;-) Anyway, looks like a good list, and the skis looked pretty. Glad to hear you're doing well up there, and I'd love to hear from you sometime. Have a blessed holiday season.

Aurenande said...

Happy Thanksgiving! And Christmas! And New Year!

Ok, so I haven't been reading much. And I haven't forgotten that I promised you an email. Anyway, I'll be in touch.