Monday, November 14, 2005

A mans home is his castle...

Got my place rearranged... and clean, REALLY CLEAN. Its almost scary

The living room is really bare with only the one couch. Dunno what I am going to do about that...
Really puts a kink in trying to have people over and stuff.

Tried to suprise Janie last night and wisk her off on a date when she got off work, bt apparently she hadn't been feeling well the entire day and needed to go home and rest. Bummer. We're going to do something tomorrow night.

Thinking of having a theology discussion at my place on Sunday nights for folks from Illuminate (the church service I have been going too). Had the idea when I found the course notes from Dr. Thoennes Theology Seminar. Would be good to add a bit of hard core doctrinal discussion to the mix I think... Totally informal, just like pizza and Gruden.

Thats about it for here... Since I haven't posted to this blog in a while I will be mirroring it on
"What if someone gets hurt"


Sethicus said...

Woah... whoredom?

What do you do when someone gets hurt? said...

Seriously though!!!