Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Soul Mates?

I’ve been thinking heavily about the question of "Is there something intrinsically different about some relationships on a teleological level?" The Readers Digest version: "Are there soul mates?" People who are just better together than another combination of two people; that function synergistically or something so that they seem to “fit” one another?

Second question would be something like “if there is an intrinsic difference, is that enough to base a marriage on?” I am saying if there IS something special about certain relationships, is that a quality that assists/facilitates/helps marriage (it could be God given). Could this be a way fro God to point out that you should marry and this is the person He’s set before you? Is there such a placement? It seems like it’s the Calvinist view; “Are you predestined to be with someone?” Maybe it’s more just has God made someone that is THE BEST compliment for your uniqueness. But still if such a sympathetic quality existed in a relationship... is that enough of a justification for making it a permanent relationship? Personally, I don't know about the first question, if it exists.

The second I don’t think its justification unless God purposefully intends for you to marry that person, which I would tend to say only He knows (though He may and does reveal it), but that is a line of questioning that will take a great deal more time to figure out.


I am not sure how much influence in my decisions for next year I should give to the effects said decision will have on my relationships and the community I have found here. For example, should I try to stay around Biola just for my friends and the "lobby dwellers"? This actually seems kind of fool hardy because I have no real knowledge of what next years community will be like. I would like to be around my friends, but God may be calling me away from them. Its rather paradoxical that way. Is God calling me to sacrafice some of the commitment to my relationships with Biola people for other people somewhere else or for Himself?

The concept of potentiality is truely useless.

(I really want to bend my knee right now... and can't!)

Saturday, May 21, 2005

The situation as it stands...

So This is where I am...

99.9% chance I will not be at Biola next year. I am still in Torrey but with the tacit understanding that I will take a year off to "find my self" where it doesn't cost $26k a year! I have the option of dropping Torrey and continuing at Biola, but this doesnt appeal to me.

Option 1:
I will seek some form of employment, buy my own health insurance and pay off some student loans and make some purchases from my wish list (in no particular order) like this, this, this, this and this.
1A. Living at or near home would put me closer to Mom, Dad, and Amanda. Cost of living is substantially cheaper (Idea of Housing Cost,though this might work!). Downside: Leave community that I have established here at Biola. I would be able to make ends meet for about minimum wage. (Budget with round numbers)

1B. Stay here in La Mirada or the surrounding area. Cost of living higher (Idea of Housing Cost, This might work). Maintain participation and support the Biola Community. Would have to make nearly $11/hour to make ends meet.

Option 2:
Sign an active duty Army contract for three years. I would be able to get farther on the wish list(Active duty E-4 makes about $1695.60/mo with housing and rations) and get added benifits for college (Active duty GI Bill is nearly $25k)

Option 3
Volunteer for deployment with the Reserves. Money is the same as active duty. There is no gaurentee where I would go, but possibly Germany with the rest of the 328th CSH.

Any other Ideas are welcomed.

(Below is a tenative budget, feel free to comment if figures seem wrong)
Nor Cal

Item Per month Cost
Rent 425 5100
Food 200 2400
Insurance 85 1020
Car Payment 350 4200
Utilities 120 1440
Total Gross income needed 14160
Work year in Hours (50wks@40hrs/week)
$/hour needed to meed budget
So Cal

Item Per month Cost
Rent 795 9540
Food 250 3000
Insurance 85 1020
Car Payment 350 4200
Utilities 200 2400
Total Gross income needed 20160
Work year in Hours (50wks@40hrs/week)
$/hour needed to meed budget

Friday, May 20, 2005

My new personal blog

More to come soon!